Imagine a user that clicks on your website from Google or a referral link aiming to land on the right page but instead gets greeted by a lovely 404 error page. Do you ever wonder what impact it makes or what happens when a user sees that the page isn’t available?
Users bounce and never return as they did not find the necessary information they were looking for.
The trouble with the 404 error is said to be OK because it constitutes a major part of the nature of a business but what is not OK is to sit back and let the error stay over and cost you conversions. Also, remember it makes your visitors confused and stranded because no one likes to be disappointed when they click on a link to gather information. To escape it and make the error page a more comfortable page to be you can take several actions and take advantage of the same.
Turn your possible disaster into a new opportunity and try out the below-mentioned techniques to attract your customer and keep them glued.
- Create a search box
Transforming your 404 error page into a search box is referred to as a welcome courtesy in the eyes of the visitors. Creating a search box on the error page helps inform people that the content they are currently looking for is not available but they can use the search bar to find what actually they were looking for.
2. Invite users to check other pages
Another good idea is to turn your customers and keep them glued to your website is to redirect or invite them to check other pages of the website. Think of a typical statement and use it, offer the users different pages link to your website, and sit back.
3. Introduce with freebies
Converting visitors into a customer or sales is the toughest job to perform. With the help of the 404 error page, you can increase the conversion rate and can grab good captures for the same. Introduce the users with discounts, offers, and coupons as their exit intent and utilize the disappointed landing of 404 into a new take-off.
4. Design an outstanding 404 page
Design the 404 error page in a way that keeps the users staying for a while till you resolve the issue. You can do it by providing specific information about why they were not able to land on the requested page, using different popup icons, creating an outstanding design for the same, etc.
5. Create a lead magnet
Actual freebies and discounts are one thing similarly lead magnets are another. You can use your 404 error page as a surefire way to capture emails and create leads from disappointed visitors. Think of some captivating lines and use them as a call to action from the visitors. Capture the visitors and use them to offer their email addresses to get something helpful both for the user and yourself.
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